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A silent world


Dancun Okwama





My name is Dan, am 32 years old.

I was born normal just like any other children until at the age of 12 years old when my world come tumbling and in a matter of two months I found myself living in a silent world. I lost my hearing ability as a result of magenatic.

I have been relied on the service of interpreters or written communication every time I need any assistance. This have been going on and as a Deaf person, I have accepted my fate. Then come a digital mobile phone apps through Kilimanjoro Blind Trust Africa which offered me a mobile phone which is equipped with Accessibility for Hearing enhancement, boom!

These app really changed my life,my silent world come to live again. I can now access most of service at the click of my phone.

Live Transcribe have helped to communicate where there's no interpreter.

I used to walk on the road look behind back time to time to be on the safe side of the road, but with my phone which is enhanced with sound detection, it can vibrate in my packet to warn me of the dangers.
As Deaf people we used tk rely on the interpreter even the private information we have no choice but pass to the third party. Now with my phone which is enhanced with Live Captions, I can receive a call on my own.

My life has changed completely I no longer consider my life as a silent world.

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