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Boniface wambua





Couple of years ago, I found myself in a life which I didn't espect at any time. I was borne like any other child. 7 years later I found myself with visual problems. I was taken to almost all special and specialist doctors in most of the highly know referral hospitals.
With all treatment that treatments I became totally blind hence my life changed.

Being the only child in my family the situation was not fair to my Parents especially my mother. It took her long to accept that her only child can not see any more.
I had to stay at home for a period of 1 year without going to school.
Things became worse on my side but it came a time when my parents accepted the situation and purposed to find out which school I can join.

In a month I joined a blind school that is Thika primary school for the blind where I faced alot of challenge especially with learning brail as my new mode of reading. It took me three month which is 1 term as far as school calendar is concerned. I became a perfect braille user and also a whitecane user.

During my first visiting day at primary my parents were excited to see that I am able to read and write I always believe there life changed from that day to present.

Few years later, I complicated my studies both primary and secondary and also my professional course.

Being a person with visual impairment I was able to join an organization in our country for my attachment. In the organization as a person with visual impairment I was able to work and perform task despite challenges here and there for example lack of screen readers on there desktops. Life of a person with visual impairment at workplace was not that easy since mobility was challenging and there were no paths which are user friendly for us.

All in all, I left the organization working on improvements on inclusivity for persons with disabilities. Recently I got an opportunity to pay them a curtecy call and for sure the organization have really improved and became more inclusive to persons with visual impairment due to the recommendation I submitted to them.

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